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Privacy notice for data subjects whose data is published on proff.no and forvalt.no and who are in charge of a company, own company, are shareholders or beneficial owners of the company

1. Controller: Proff AS, Langkaia 1, 0150 Oslo, www.proff.no www.forvalt.no

Proff AS is part of Enento Group Plc, Hermannin rantatie 6, PL 16, 00580 Helsinki, Finland www.enento.com

2. Personal data which is processed

a) Personal data which are published on proff.no and www.forvalt.no

  • Your name, email address
  • Your postal address is published on proff.no only if you are sole trader and company address is the same as your own. Forvalt.no publishes postal addresses for all data subjects included in the register.
  • Your postal code and city of residence
  • Your phone number
  • Your birth year
  • Your gender
  • Your role title

b) Personal data which are processed by Proff for other purposes

  • Connect you to companies: name, ID number, postal code
  • Extract your gender: ID number

3. Purposes for processing your personal data

a) Publishing data on forvalt.no:

  • Proff Forvalt processes your data to meet the requirements on Credit Information Act
  • Proff processes your personal data to provide information about the owners of the company to business customers. Customers need this information to be able to comply with the requirements of the Act relating to Measures to Combat Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.
  • Proff processes data for business purposes and provides information for financial decision making, this includes processing personal data.
  • Proff processes your personal data to provide it to the companies processing them for marketing purposes, for polls and for updating customer databases.
  • Proff Forvalt prosesses your personal data also for statistical purposes.

b) Publishing data on proff.no:

  • Personal data concerning you will be processed and provided to customers along with the information concerning the company.
  • Proff processes data for business purposes and provides information for financial decision making, this includes processing personal data.
  • Proff processes your personal data to provide it to the companies processing them for marketing purposes, for polls and for updating customer databases.

c) To connect a data subject to a company and extract the gender of data subject:

  • Proff processes your name, ID number and postal code to connect you to the companies.
  • Proff processes your ID number to extract your gender which is then published on proff.no.

4. Legal basis for processing your personal data

Proff Forvalt processes your data primarily based on legal obligation. Personal data are gathered based on Credit Information Act to be able to provide it on forvalt.no to end-users. Data on forvalt.no is only available for registered users that based on Credit Information Act are allowed to access the data.

Proff also processes your personal data for legitimate interests of third parties when data is published on proff.no and forvalt.no. These third parties use our service to find information concerning you to e.g. assess a possible business relation with you.

5. Special categories of personal data and personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences

We don´t process sensitive category personal data or data relating to criminal convictions and offences concerning you.

6. Collection of your personal data

  • We collect personal data from you when you contact us
    • Your name, your email address, your postal address (sole traders), your phone number, your role title in the company, your postal code and city of residence
  • We collect personal data concerning you from other sources which are
    • Your name: Brønnøysund Registrene NO, Skatteetaten, Eniro
    • Your email address: Brønnøysund Registrene NO, Eniro
    • Your postal address (sole traders): Brønnøysund Registrene NO, Eniro
    • Your postal number, city of residence: Brønnøysund Registrene NO, Skatteetaten, Eniro
    • Your phone number: Brønnøysund Registrene NO, Eniro
    • Your ID number: Brønnøysund Registrene NO
    • Your birthday: Brønnøysund Registrene NO
    • Your role title in the company: Brønnøysund Registrene NO

7. Third parties that we disclose your personal data to inside EU/EEA

  • We disclose your personal data to our customers along with the information concerning the company
  • We disclose your personal data to other companies
  • Your personal data may also be disclosed to our processors based on the contracts we have with them.

8. Third parties that we disclose your personal data outside EU/EEA

Your personal data may in some situations be disclosed outside EU/EEA area for example to the processors we use. In these situations we ensure that your personal data is secured to an adequate level. We also use Standard Contractual Clauses and other measures to protect your personal data.

9. Profiling and automatic decision making (incl. meaningful info about the logic involved)

We don´t process your personal data for profiling or automatic decision-making purposes.

10. Retention periods

Your personal data will be kept at proff.no for 12 months after it´s been registered or updated. Processing or your personal data at Forvalt for statistical purposes has not been limited.

11. Your rights

You, as the data subject whose personal data we process, have several different data subject rights towards us as the controller. Please find additional information about how to exercise your rights below. We will process your request after receiving it and we will respond to you without undue delay and latest within one month after receiving your request.

  • Right to information
    You will not be separately informed about processing your personal data for proff.no and forvalt.no purposes since obtaining is expressly laid down by law to which the controller is subject and which provides appropriate measures to protect your legitimate interests. You will receive an information letter if your personal data is searched and accessed for credit information purposes.
  • Right of access
    If you want to know what personal data we process about you, please send us email to support@proff.no If you want to limit your request to certain type of data please communicate that in the email.
  • Right to rectification
    If you want to request rectification of incorrect personal data concerning you, please send an email to support@proff.no.
  • Right to erasure
    If you want to request erasure of personal data concerning you, please send an email to support@proff.no.
  • Right to restriction of processing
    If you want to request restriction of processing of your personal data, please send an email to support@proff.no.
  • Right to data portability
    You don´t have the right to data portability, since Proff is not processing your personal data based on consent or for performance of contract between you and Proff.
  • Right to object
    i. You have the right to object, on grounds to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data which is based on legitimate interest (art 6.1 f).
    ii. If you want to exercise your right to object to processing please send an email to support@proff.no.

12. Amending this privacy notice

This privacy notice can be updated from time to time and new version will be published on this site.

13. Contact info and possible complaints

If you have questions about how we process your personal data, please contact our customer service at support@proff.no.

Proff has appointed a DPO. You can contact the DPO by sending email to dpo@enento.com.

If you are not satisfied with how we process your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with supervisory authority, Datatilsynet (Postboks 458 Sentrum 0105 Oslo)

Privacy notice has been updated 12/2023